Leading your life and redefining your values in circumstances you did not choose with Cass McCrory

Cass McCrory is the host of the Next Best Step podcast, owner of Capra Strategy where she provides B2B strategic marketing and social influence and selling trainer, mother, granddaughter, friend, lover of learning, nurturer and adventurer.  We discuss how Cass has taken the lead in redefining what her life and values look like during the pandemic and lockdown so that they align with how she feels rather than how they were defined for her, how she works her way through the midspaces, and the huge impact of taking a left turn has impacted her perspective.

To learn more about Cass, check out her website:  www.cassmccrory.com

For details on Cass's go-to book, "Radical Compassion" by Tara Brach, click here.

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