Healing your money wounds and reclaiming your worth with Bri Firestone

Bri Firestone is a money healer, coach and the founder of The School of Betty. In this episode, we delve into one of our most important, yet often taboo, stories – those around money and worth. We discuss how Bri changed her own story when she realised the emotions underlying her own relationship with money and its flow. We examine other common beliefs about money – such as scarcity, that those with money are bad, that we are not worthy of having money and other borrowed beliefs we have all picked up along the way. Join us and hear how Bri combines the practical and magical to help womxn heal money wounds, reclaim their worth, and enjoy life.

To learn more about Bri, check out her website: https://www.theschoolofbetty.com

You can also follow Bri on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theschoolofbetty

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